This is run on Thursday afternoons at Stormybrook Surgery, Waunbant Road, Kenfig Hill from 1.30pm – 4pm for all children under the age of 5. These clinics are run by the health visitors in conjunction with our doctors and nurses.
Mothers are invited to bring all their children below the age of 5 years to the clinic for regular checks on their development, immunisations and/or weight/checks.
Please DO NOT bring unwell children/babies to the clinic as it may increase the risk of the spread of infection to very young babies who are otherwise healthy. If you wish to have your child seen with regards to recent illness then please make an appointment to see a doctor in the usual manner.
Child Immunisations
It is important that children are immunised against common childhood illnesses. If your child is eligible for certain immunisations, you will receive a letter from Child Health advising you of a date/time of the appointment with our nurse for the immunisation to be given.